Totti, LE and Baldini

walter sabatini : the strategy we transfers will notmean much if this situation continues, feud between ( totti,baldini,luis enrique.. the situation is extremely dangerous.because the will be a deadlock is very worrying.we can not contineu like this,because the whole town could hear us,while we should focus only football, everyone must something,maybe people who can not be blamed in this regard is the coach. it is not true that there are plans to get rid off baldini and totti. he (totti) was a great champion,but must be treated as the same as anyone else, we must end the idea that if (totti) does not play.,then he has been betrayed,this fallacy, totti is a person who has to get himself out of this he (totti) needed to get away? no, leave it work environment-frendly coach.,if the coach decides not to lower it into the field, he (totti) should respect that decision..totti must ensure that he is not someone who suffers on the bench.,he (totti) has helped the modern football there are no untochable players,and i ask for this sacrifice$

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