Marco Amelia Love Rome

Although just maintained Milan from Genoa, goalkeeper Marco Amelia could not close myself if she loves Rome and want to feel the uniformed Giallorossi.

The 28-year-old player was allegedly next season will only be lining the mainstay Rossoneri goalkeeper Christian Abbiati. Therefore, he hoped to move even on loan again, and Rome menajdi target.

"I am now completely Rossoneri player, but I am willing to sacrifice is not showing in the Champions League for the Europa League if I had to wait for the bids to come," he told Radio Erre2, mengisyatkan out of the San Siro.

"Everyone knows my fans Rome and I'll go to the club even on foot if necessary."

"Even the top brass Milan aware of this. We'll see, who the boss newer Rome and anyone will know then," said Amelia.

3 komentar:

  1. ayo beli aja dia..orang yang seperti ini..yang harus di beli,karena dia akan benar2 berjuang di bawah mister gawang..FORZA ROMA

  2. Jemi Romanisti IndonesiaMay 29, 2011 at 10:09 AM

    setuju ma akang di atas,ayo buruan sebelum dia ambil alih ma tim2 lain.

  3. ok pertahankan mas dab..!!
